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September 24, 2011


Category : EF50mm F1.4 USM | 花 / flower

Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM
□Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM
「人工衛星UARSが大気圏へ再突入する際に、何か写真的なものを撮れるのでは?」 と日本上空での再突入の可能性も若干あったようなので、少しばかりwktkしてましたが、
UARS Reentry RT @SpaceTrails: Confirmed debris falling over okotoks, Alberta. Canada.#UARS
(引用元:NASA ?)

NASA's UARS Re-enters Earth's Atmosphere
NASA’s decommissioned Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) fell back to Earth between 11:23 p.m. EDT Friday, Sept. 23 and 1:09 a.m. Sept. 24, 20 years and nine days after its launch on a 14-year mission that produced some of the first long-term records of chemicals in the atmosphere.

The precise re-entry time and location of debris impacts have not been determined. During the re-entry period, the satellite passed from the east coast of Africa over the Indian Ocean, then the Pacific Ocean, then across northern Canada, then across the northern Atlantic Ocean, to a point over West Africa. The vast majority of the orbital transit was over water, with some flight over northern Canada and West Africa.

Six years after the end of its productive scientific life, UARS broke into pieces during re-entry, and most of it up burned in the atmosphere. Data indicates the satellite likely broke apart and landed in the Pacific Ocean far off the U.S. coast. Twenty-six satellite components, weighing a total of about 1,200 pounds, could have survived the fiery re-entry and reach the surface of Earth. However, NASA is not aware of any reports of injury or property damage.

The Operations Center for JFCC-Space, the Joint Functional Component Command at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., which works around the clock detecting, identifying and tracking all man-made objects in Earth orbit, tracked the movements of UARS through the satellite’s final orbits and provided confirmation of re-entry.

“We extend our appreciation to the Joint Space Operations Center for monitoring UARS not only this past week but also throughout its entire 20 years on orbit,” said Nick Johnson, NASA’s chief scientist for orbital debris, at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. “This was not an easy re-entry to predict because of the natural forces acting on the satellite as its orbit decayed. Space-faring nations around the world also were monitoring the satellite’s descent in the last two hours and all the predictions were well within the range estimated by JSpOC.”

UARS was launched Sept. 12, 1991, aboard space shuttle mission STS-48 and deployed on Sept. 15, 1991. It was the first multi-instrumented satellite to observe numerous chemical components of the atmosphere for better understanding of photochemistry. UARS data marked the beginning of many long-term records for key chemicals in the atmosphere. The satellite also provided key data on the amount of light that comes from the sun at ultraviolet and visible wavelengths. UARS ceased its scientific life in 2005.

Because of the satellite's orbit, any surviving components of UARS should have landed within a zone between 57 degrees north latitude and 57 degrees south latitude. It is impossible to pinpoint just where in that zone the debris landed, but NASA estimates the debris footprint to be about 500 miles long.

September 23, 2011


Category : EF100mm F2 USM | EF50mm F1.4 USM | 花 / flower

Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF100mm F2 USM
□Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF100mm F2 USM

Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM
□Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM

September 22, 2011


Category : EF50mm F1.4 USM | 花 / flower

Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM
□Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM

「資本主義経済とは何だったのか?」 などと悠長なことを言っている場合ではなく、そのシステムの根本自体を変えなければならないような歴史的分岐点に差しかかっているのかもしれません。

September 21, 2011


Category : EF50mm F1.4 USM | 花 / flower

Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM + Extension Tube EF12II
□Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM + Extension Tube EF12II

首都圏の交通網をズタズタに引き裂き(←個人的には全く関係ない。)、あまつさえ、首都圏を大混乱に陥れ(←コレも全く関係ない。)ながら、「浜松→掛川→甲府→秩父→館林→宇都宮→南相馬」 といった経路で駆け抜けていった模様です。

Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM + Extension Tube EF12II
□Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM + Extension Tube EF12II

September 20, 2011


Category : EF100mm F2 USM | 花 / flower

Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF100mm F2 USM
□Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF100mm F2 USM

Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF100mm F2 USM
□Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF100mm F2 USM

July 30, 2011


Category : EF50mm F1.4 USM | 花 / flower

Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM
□Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM
前回の 『7月の誕生花。花言葉は 「雄弁」。』 と同じ場所にて・・・・・・、って何処なんだ?

Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM
□Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM

July 24, 2011

7月の誕生花。花言葉は 「雄弁」。

Category : EF50mm F1.4 USM | 花 / flower

Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM
□Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM
古名「はちす」は、花托の形状を蜂の巣に見立てたとするのを通説とする。「はす」はその転訛。水芙蓉(すいふよう、みずふよう)、もしくは単に芙蓉(ふよう)、不語仙(ふごせん)、池見草(いけみぐさ)、水の花などの異称をもつ。 漢字では「蓮」のほかに「荷」の字をあてる。
属名 Nelumbo はシンハラ語から。種小名 nucifera はラテン語の形容詞で「ナッツの実のなる」の意。英名 lotus はギリシア語由来で、元はエジプトに自生するスイレンの一種「タイガー・ロータス」 Nymphaea lotus を指したものという。
(引用元:ウィキペディア (Wikipedia) フリー百科事典 「ハス」)

July 23, 2011


Category : EF100mm F2 USM | 花 / flower

Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF100mm F2 USM
□Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF100mm F2 USM
最早、「鳥」 とは関係なくなってますけど・・・・・・。

Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF100mm F2 USM
□Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF100mm F2 USM

July 17, 2011


Category : EF50mm F1.4 USM | 花 / flower

Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM
□Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM

Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM
□Canon EOS 60D + Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM

June 22, 2011


Category : EF100mm F2 USM | 花 / flower

Canon EOS Kiss X2 + Canon EF100mm F2 USM
□Canon EOS Kiss X2 + Canon EF100mm F2 USM

Canon EOS Kiss X2 + Canon EF100mm F2 USM
□Canon EOS Kiss X2 + Canon EF100mm F2 USM
Canon EOS Kiss X2 + Canon EF100mm F2 USM
□Canon EOS Kiss X2 + Canon EF100mm F2 USM
マーガレットか? 続く。

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